Thursday 16 September 2010

Exhibition in a five star hotel and the law.

I went to bed rather late last night, because we had company and when we stayed alone I wanted to work some more. I had to wake up early because P. had a job interview. When the alarm went off I had a silly song in my mind. I have half forgotten it by now. It either went in the tune of "nice weather for the ducks" by Lemon Jelly ( or of "Old McDonald had a farm" but the lyrics were "there is another kingfisher" and I kept watching watching four trouts- I know that the kingfisher is a bird- forming a cross.
Earlier I had dreamt I was having a party and the purpose of it was to present and sell my work to my fellow students. It had great success as people gathered from wherever they were on this occasion. Yet they took the exhibits and moved them to a nearby five-star hotel with pools and bars etc. We were having a very good time and the commercial success was great as well. People were giving me money and I was so baffled that I did not know were to store them; I put them in my pocket and in a small clutch bag I was holding. Suddenly I realized that other people I didn't know were staring at me in a hostile way and I thought I had not given any receipts for the money I had received and that I should better get everyone and everything and go back home. My guests were happy and excited and did as I told them. I started collecting the things to move them back and they were too many for me to carry at once. A good friend of mine was helping me but nonetheless we would still have to do the distance twice. The route was not easy either as we had to cross a park with stiff cliffs and miniature waterfalls. As we were opposite the house I saw large public cars parked outside the hotel and was worried it would be some sort of economic police that would prosecute me. My friend told me it was unlikely and that I could work it out with them. I was still worried that one of my guests might screw things up if they admitted having bought something from me and it would be embarrassing to ask everyone to lie. The last thing I remember from the dream was looking at my stock and thinking it was a lot. I woke up happy not to be in that situation. Not that I haven't stocked a great lot of objects waiting for buyers, I just hope that I will do everything legally and not have issues with the ministry of economics. Silly stuff.....

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